Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Live Unto Him Which Died for Them and Rose Again for WAW

 This week's scripture is such a sweet one!  How blessed we are that Jesus chose to show His love by dying in our places and that He demonstrated His power over the grave.  My simple MemoryDex card began with the scripture printed on white cardstock.  Using a cloud stencil and Spring Rain ink from Papertrey, the sky was blended over the whole card.  The sun die and cross stamp are retired Verve products.  So simple....and I love seeing a scripture on the RoloDex in my craft room.

Thanks for stopping by.  Be sure to visit Word Art Wednesday to download the scripture and to play along for a wonderful prize.



1 comment:

Karen Letchworth said...

I love this, Christine. Thank you so much for your efforts on behalf of Word Art Wednesday. I appreciate you so much.
Have a blessed week,